To the Woods!
So after some rather futile years, losing as much as we planted, we made a radical decision: to keep the big old trees, which appear able to weather the wildlife.
Droning on…
Drone pictures are wonderfully versatile. They are not simply pictures from above but may give views of a garden from a variety of places.
A poem
In September friends of ours brought one of their tours to our garden. And one of their group, Vicki Scott, was, amazingly, inspired to write a poem about the garden. And here it is!
Garden photography – a form of worship?
I get my camera out. I know photography has a bad press……
Veddw in The Garden, by Chris Young
This was published in the RHS ‘The Garden’ and written by the then editor, Chris Young, in December 2012. A long time ago. It’s a good piece and when I found it again recently I realised I wanted it here
Good things, especially Japanese Anemones
Here’s a celebration just of one flower, which is a total delight just now. Just for pleasure
How are the Disasters coming along?
Those of you kind enough to take an interest in Veddw Trials and Tribulations will no doubt have been having sleepless nights…
Jeff’s gone!
We finally wore him out. No more hedge cutting.
New post and a warning…
As you will have gathered by now, I am not a professional designer. Which means a great many things, one being that my plans often don’t seem to work.
How often would a plant grow cheerfully through things we (you?) desperately remove? And do plants actually enjoy being crowded? Do they like the company of ground elder? How will we ever find out?
Ivy on House Walls.
Meanwhile I’m about to bore you with thoughts about growing ivy all over your house, just to avoid being controversial today.
Have eBooks at last become essential?
I recently decided to buy Tim Richardson’s book, Sissinghurst, The Dream Garden. (Excellent book) And I did something I’d been meaning to do for a long time – I bought the eBook…
With thanks to Carolyn Mullet
A big treat arrived for us today – Carolyn’s book, Adventures in Eden.
Gardens Need Critics by Anne Wareham for The Garden Design Journal
No art form can thrive without the serious discussion and dialogue which criticism offers: it raises standards, informs, educates and promotes intelligent debate. It is the very lifeblood of any high art.
Box Blight: what we’ve done.
We thought about it and it seemed possible……
Veddw in the Snow
I thought now it’s back to grey gloom you might like to see my pictures of Veddw in the snow from a few days ago.