Veddw in the Snow
I thought now it’s back to grey gloom you might like to see my pictures of Veddw in the snow from a few days ago.
One View through a Year
These are all views of the Crescent Border through the year from the same place
Octo arrives.
We needed a focal point…
Veddw on TV, long ago.
“The programme makers were confronted with a key question: what on earth was there about Veddw that might inspire anyone?”
A Real Hero, I think.
I know you are all fed up with hearing about Veddw disasters, but this blog serves as a diary as well as something (what on earth?) else. And this is a big thing for us. Today Charles, who finds eating bullets as hard as we all do, finally bit one of the many bullets...
33 years old!!!
33 years old! So how are we celebrating, you ask?
Cutting to the Bone
We decided we wouldn’t open this year. So why not really make a mess????
Bespoke visits to Veddw
So we are wondering about offering a bespoke visit for a maximum of two people.
Who is the garden for? Part 2.
But how could it be closer to the pleasure of wandering a garden with a friend?
Walking round your garden
Clearly we need to begin to discipline our approach to garden walking. And I think it may be possible.
What (else) could possibly go wrong?
I thought I would cheer some of those people up a little with some schadenfreude, and tell of the latest garden disasters.
Who is the Garden for?
I wonder how many gardeners are shocked by the idea of two acres focused simply on one plant?
Appreciating our weaknesses
Small sample of hedges cut properly….
Round the Back
Are we missing something, focusing on fronts?
Guided Tours?
Veddw on the Candide app.
One view a month.
I once took a picture of the same view from one of our windows every month for a year and I liked seeing the changes which in the flesh meld into each other. So I did it again with one of my favourite views outside.