Ambivalence about Snowdrops

Well, I’m sorry, but I didn’t have a happy Christmas. We were both full of cough and were quite unwell. I have not recovered, and I find myself quite unable to write anything new. So I dipped into The Bad Tempered Gardener to offer you a piece on those plants which...
Veddw on TV, long ago.

Veddw on TV, long ago.

“The programme makers were confronted with a key question: what on earth was there about Veddw that might inspire anyone?”

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A Real Hero, I think.

A Real Hero, I think.

I know you are all fed up with hearing about Veddw disasters, but this blog serves as a diary as well as something (what on earth?) else. And this is a big thing for us. Today Charles, who finds eating bullets as hard as we all do, finally bit one of the many bullets...

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One view a month.

One view a month.

I once took a picture of the same view from one of our windows every month for a year and I liked seeing the changes which in the flesh meld into each other. So I did it again with one of my favourite views outside.

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Thugs you might like.

Thugs you might like.

There is a scattering of delight in the garden just now, and has been for weeks. It’s a flower; a geranium:

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