Making Veddw Garden – a Love Story: part 1.

And out of what felt to be the ruins of my life, I turned to an ambition to make another garden.

Bindweed, yes or no?

Bindweed, yes or no?

I went to a lot of trouble earlier this year, sticking canes in for bindweed to grow up. I had an evil plan involving plastic bags and POISON! Then somehow there was a lot to do. Or it was raining. Or it looked like a lot of effort.... The bindweed stayed. And grew....

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Do we expect too much from open gardens?

Do we expect too much from open gardens?

This piece was recently published in Gardener's World Magazine. Love to know what you think about that question... If you wonder why we're not doing our bit for the NGS here's the answer: Shocked, but not surprised.  

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Silent Spaces

Silent Spaces

For many years I've thought that gardens are wasted on gardeners. Not on all of us gardeners - but it is true that many gardeners visit gardens to look at plants (with a certain acquisitive eye...), have a chat with friends and family, nice day out.. and a piece of...

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Superman at Veddw – cutting the Hornbeam Arch

Superman at Veddw – cutting the Hornbeam Arch

There's got to be a better way. Permanent scaffolding inside the arch? Or would getting an extension for the tower be enough?? Jeff's comment?  "A good work out and only one near death experience = result." Relief all round..

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Being Difficult

Being Difficult

  We open normally every Sunday afternoon in June, July and August, and take visits in afternoons and evenings from parties of 10 or more from May to September, inclusive. So why, you may wonder, do we have a group visiting the garden today, in April? Well,...

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Why our seats are pink

Why our seats are pink

When I first had our seats made at Veddw I had to work out what colour to paint them. I tried lots of colours and found pink kind of worked - but I thought it was weird. Until I realised that the gravel, which is from a local quarry, is pink when wet. And when the...

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Spades by Charles

Spades by Charles

A review of a Fiskars Spade by Charles Hawes One of the few “real” garden tasks that I undertake, is to occasionally divide my hostas. I say mine because although we have hostas in several places in the garden, the only ones I give any attention to are those in what...

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Veddw has appeared on the shortlist of an award - for the Garden of the Year in the Countryfile magazine: You can vote here. Fat chance against Beth Chatto's - but great to be in there!

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Anne at Hay Festival with Tim Richardson

Anne at Hay Festival with Tim Richardson

This is a very short post. Or a long one if you click and listen. I couldn't resist giving you the chance to hear it, just having come across it. It's a recording of Tim Richardson interviewing me at Hay Festival when The Bad Tempered Gardener had just come out. Here...

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On to the final stages - Caitriona arrives. Here is a small sample of the work she did last time for us: So, work begins on this new project, from the bottom... and starts in red crayon - Then the carving begins..(tap tap tap tap...) Caitriona reaches the top and...

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The Installation of The Stone.

The Installation of The Stone.

Bet you could hardly wait for this. For too long we looked at The Stone in the car park and wondered if it would ever find its way anywhere else. I attempted to contact landscapers (just their kind of thing, you'd think, wouldn't you?) but no-one was even slightly...

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The Stone. The first part.

The Stone. The first part.

I've spent a lot of time researching our predecessors at the Veddw, especially the squatters.  They are the first actual inhabitants of our particular bit of land that we know about and were the builders of the turf and mud hut, which was followed by the cottage...

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The Hampton Court Chop: stake out.

The Hampton Court Chop: stake out.

I hate staking plants. It looks ugly, especially early on in the year. And it's hard work (always best avoided). So I have one or two tricks to save me the bother. One is stuffing plants so tight together that they are self supporting. This works well, especially if...

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A Sculpture Garden in the Wye Valley

A Sculpture Garden in the Wye Valley

Yesterday we managed to wangle ourselves a cream tea, with ginger cake, with some good friends of ours, Elsa and Adrian Wood, at the Nurtons - home to their daughter, Gemma Wood's Sculpture Garden. Come to visit this and Veddw too, all in a day. What more could you...

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