I know you are all fed up with hearing about Veddw disasters, but this blog serves as a diary as well as something (what on earth?) else. And this is a big thing for us.

Today Charles, who finds eating bullets as hard as we all do, finally bit one of the many bullets waiting in a box blighted garden.

Box Blight, in case you were wondering.

The blight is worse than it’s ever been – due to the high humidity we’ve had, I suspect. So much of our hedging looks like the above.

We have painful discussions. We have decided what to do about the Grasses Parterre, of which maybe, more another time. But this is a small hedge in what was Charles’s Veg Plot. We’ve been discussing what to do about it, without waiting for Box Tree Moth to arrive and finish the job. No more hedging here – so what about a rendered, coloured wall? Charles slept on the idea and then…

It was pouring with rain, but he’d got a fire going….. So:

Followed by

And into

and then…
Google likes videos…

Amazing what you find..

The new wall will be winter work for Charles. Amazing how quickly demolition goes (a couple of very strenuous hours just now) and how much longer construction takes. But we won’t have to wait for a wall to grow. Or cut it. Or look at the blight on it. Whatever does go wrong with it, you can count on a blog post to tell you and cheer you up….

Box cremation…

End of part one. The rest, we hope in spring. Meanwhile we have to decide how to replace these:

And it did stop raining.

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