Cleavers at Veddw copyright Anne Wareham

I do wonder as I’m pulling out streamers of cleavers ( Cleavers, Clivers, Goosegrass, Stickywilly, Stickywillow, Stickyjack, Stickyleaf, Catchweed, Robin-run-the-hedge, Coachweed, Bedstraw) which break off as I pull – would I do better to be patient, let it fill out and toughen up – and then I might be able to pull it out by the root? As it is I’m simply pulling little bits off.

This is one weed I don’t like, it makes things look messy.

But pulling it out with no breaking off is a sort of satisfaction. Wait or what?

Veddw House Garden, Monmouthshire, Wales. June. Paeonia lactiflora 'Sarah Bernhardt' copyright Charles Hawes

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