Noel Kingsbury has just published a piece in the Telegraph online, wonderfully identified in the link as ‘Middle Column Puff’ , about rainier gardening. It’s about gardening in the New Wet and follows his previous, recent piece about how we still need to save water even if it is a bit wet.

I confess I have ended up a little confused about whether it matters or doesn’t matter to our gardens that we’re drowning one minute and droughting the next Or what we might do, or not bother doing.

I know that at Veddw, where we still have standing water, we are trying to save our yew hedging which is suffering from the waterlogging and that the wet has made box blight worse, but these are my own experiences. About an hour’s drive from Noel’s patch, which may be very different.

But I know I’ve been reading this stuff for some years now. What to plant for global warming. What to plant for drought/wet/cold/heatwaves. They have to be popular articles because we all worry ourselves silly about what’s happening to our gardens in funny weather.

But the ‘what to plant’ angle is just mad. Is anyone going to go out and replant their entire garden on the basis of a bad season and more unreliable predictions? And if they don’t, what’s the point of knowing what might be good to plant if you did? Especially with a plant list usually of about 25 plants.

Anyone making more sense of all this than I have managed??

Anne Wareham

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Conservatory, Veddw April copyright Anne Wareham

Conservatory – a little climate control possible..

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