This is a special for my great friend Karen, (@wildelycreative ) who bivvies in this wood when she can, but it’s been ages now…(and with apologies to the real Walker.)

 Veddw The Woods, Copyright Anne Wareham

The top of the back of the gate into the woods, with one of the first mentions of Veddw (Vedow) that I have found. (it’s below the bit pictured)

This is the other side of that gate into the woods:

That Population Gate M

There are not many flowers out yet. The pleasures are subtle – Karen is good at subtle.

Veddw Copyright Anne Wareham 059 Mossy rocks at Veddw

Mossy rocks

Moss – and bark:


Bark…and moss…

Anyone like deer and squirrels?

Veddw Woods, Copyright Anne Wareham

Wildlife anyone?

We have got fed up with seeing young trees destroyed. We believe that the bigger older ones can survive the chewing so we have cleared many of the saplings to open up views of the magnificent tree trunks. I’m a sucker for a beautiful vertical.

Veddw Copyright Anne Wareham

Well – varieties of vertical. The empty spaces will fill with erythoniums and bluebells soon.

There are some flowers, – snowdrops still holding on next to the wrecked car dumped in next door’s field.

Veddw Woods Copyright Anne Wareham

The snowdrops are left, along with a rose and a lilac, at the site of a ruined cottage – so ruined as to be hard to recognise. I know it was there though, from the maps and the path leading to it. The car? No idea. it’s very old!

And then..

Veddw Woods Copyright Anne Wareham

It’s important to look up…

Veddw Woods Copyright Anne Wareham Erythonium Pagoda

and down

Those are the emerging Erythonium Pagoda which will shortly fill the woods – Charles adds 50 every year. (more when we’re feeling rich).

More bark for those who love trees.

Veddw Woods Copyright Anne Wareham


But if you get bored..

Television in Veddw Wood copyright Anne Wareham


And maybe you are bored now. Could come back when the erythoniums are out.. or the bluebells…

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