This is not, I’m afraid, a snowdroppy post. Surprise!

It’s not even (despite preferences) a helleboring post.

No, it’s a what do you think? post.

Some of you good friends will remember this Big Decision. About what to replace some dying trees in our avenue with. Your previous thoughts and ideas were useful but nothing quite hit the spot. Or it hit the spot for one of us and not the other. Decisions were made and abandoned in apathy. Then – new thoughts led to:

Two possibilities. And we are now finding choosing very hard. Mistakes are costly and embarrassing. And involve work – never a thing to be taken lightly…

The old tree trunks will be parted with, very soon. They are a sad reminder of what was, and what was good but is No More.

So – possibility One. A series of 6 foot by 2 foot double sided mirrors – 4 to either side of the path. Angled slightly differently to maximise the different reflective results. Expensive but can be done, framed in metal with metal supports into the ground. We’re told they may kill birds, as indeed our windows do sometimes, and that would be a sad cost, especially given how much effort I take to look after our bird population. But it could be exciting.

OR – possibility Two: 8 polished steel balls, about 18 inches across, on top of suitably sized telegraph poles, the poles all cut to different heights to offer a variety of reflections and to mitigate any possibility of them looking like street furniture. Or lollipops. I’m currently excited by these.

What do you think? (please don’t suggest we plant replacement trees – too hard to manage in a meadow and to keep uniform. Nor anything else growing, for the same reason. And current preference. And – sorry, Jessica….)

Anne Wareham, portrait Copyright Charles Hawes
Here’s a hellebore pic to reward you for ploughing through to the end. XXx
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