Just how important is detail in the garden – or, at what point does it begin to matter??

The planting in the front garden at Veddw at this time of year has quite bold patches of telling foliage and flower. The effect is kind of clean.. But then the variegated ground elder flowers. And to my eye the frothy flower, – see it there at the back left of the picture below, shown up by the darker hornbeam tunnel behind it? –  ruins the look of the front garden. It looks great elsewhere  where froth is what is needed. I noticed Charles taking this photograph of it last night  (see above, unless you are  reading this as an email, in which case that picture will have vanished. Thanks Wordpres…) and inwardly cringed. (never mind that horrible, soon to be replaced bird bath..) What look like dead sticks are the purple shrub which is soon to leaf up and add more zing to this scene..

See the contrast: (this is last year, before the box balls were removed – but you can see the spoilers…)

Front garden, Veddw copyright Charles Hawes

Now there’s also that pink…

And then, that thalictrum is – awful? It’s the pink thing on the left. It’s seen in bud below..

Front garden Veddw copyright Anne Wareham

About to ruin the scene?

I don’t think it works with the wonderful orange of the euphorbia.  OR – the way they scream at each other does work???? There’s quite a bit of it  and I’ve never quite made up my mind.  But no-one has ever commented…..So – is it me being over fussy to concern myself? Should I bother to remove it or continue to puzzle about it?

Worse – we usually have a view down the drive at this time of year of this orange and purple combination backed by a pink Clematis montana growing all over the garage roof. Ouch! Which do I remove? You guessed – I haven’t..and no-one has ever complained..

But it is just these clumsy juxtapositions that destroy the look of a garden. And on the other hand, it is the joy of great combinations which lifts the heart and makes it all worthwhile. So it is an important, inescapable and relentless issue…


Thank you for all the comments and thoughts. The ground elder flowers (which are only, I notice on the unvariegated sort) are now gone. The thalictrum flowers will be next. Promise.

Whoops! They can hear us. I didn’t even touch this and look –


The Droop..


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