I love my garden, I do. It’s at the heart of my life. But just recently I’ve been drawn back and back to a windowsill with some sweet dwarf pelargoniums.

Pelargonium Dainty Damosel. (sic)
I wanted something small, easy and sun loving for the windowsill of the conservatory and discovered these beautiful things. I instantly ordered far too many – they cost a fortune, and some are hopeless. Ouch! They arrived as plug plants which then spent a long time in a cold frame. Some were already showing small flowers, so I was there several times a day, gazing at them. (I know)

It seemed very late in the year to be expecting anything – August – but most of them came on well. Some didn’t and haven’t.

This is still alive, three months on, and still exactly like this. I may have over potted but most of them romped away.
But the ones that flowered have just delighted me, and have drawn visitors to them with the same effect. So here they are, for you to enjoy:

Pelargonium Saga

Pelargonium David John

Elmsett – hmm, a bit too speckly??

Emma Jane Read – yes!


Southern Rosina

Dainty Damosel again – my favourite? I can’t find it online anymore though.

Not sure about speckles but the variegation adds what is commonly described as interest. Sammi Broughham. Hm.

Emma Jane Read.
I bought them online from Fibrex , which has new owners, and I’m not sure what they will be doing in future, but I think theirs were the best. Others came from Allwoods. I think the ones which have decided to stay tiny and depressing came from there.

They’re still at it. October!
Other colours are available but I wanted harmony. And they do so brighten a cold wet day. Trouble is, I think I may just find I’m interested in bigger ones too… How addiction takes hold?