We’re wondering about doing a book, about Veddw, which will (if we can persuade a publisher) include some of the history of making it. We’re wondering if that would be interesting?

To help us discover, I’m putting up some photographs from our early days – please let us know if they whet your appetite to know more?

Veddw prints 1987 to late 90s

Just to make a path. Which involved getting several boulders out…

Veddw prints 1987 to late 90s

Recognise this view? It’s the view you get coming in from the car park today.


View over Grasses Parterre, March 2018, copyright Anne Wareham

And the way it looked this morning.


Veddw prints 1987 to late 90s

Yep – there was always a boulder just where you wanted to plant something.


Veddw prints 1987 to late 90s Copyright Charles Hawes

There was always a wood pile to deal with. And we put the greenhouse in the wrong place.


Veddw prints 1987 to late 90s Copyright Charles Hawes

Another boulder. Useful that we had been left an RSJ by our predecessors. They used it to support a washing line.


Veddw prints 1987 to late 90s Copyright Charles Hawes

We used to be able to grow poppies – if not much else at the time. Please don’t tell me you prefer this – they have a very short flowering season!


Veddw prints 1987 to late 90s Copyright Charles Hawes

Starting out with ‘Cottage Garden’ style… May I say ‘yuk’?


Veddw prints 1987 to late 90s Copyright Charles Hawes

Beginning a rebuild of the Ruin.


Veddw prints 1987 to late 90s Copyright Charles Hawes

The Cornfield Garden. Currently nearly back to this, apart from having hand made (in every sense) brick paths.


Veddw prints 1987 to late 90s Copyright Charles Hawes

Nurtured from tiny seedlings, the yew was at last planted out.


Veddw prints 1987 to late 90s Copyright Charles Hawes

Yep, a wood pile…. and an incipient path.


Veddw prints 1987 to late 90s Copyright Charles Hawes

Early Veg Plot, when it was about to become an actual Veg Plot.

I bet you thought it had all arrived by magic???!!!

Do let us know what you think?- here in the Comments if possible.

Anne Xxxx

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