Well, Charles said, when asked, it’s the grasses, got to be the grasses. And he’s nearly right, they do look amazing right now.

But maybe another time. Same with the amazing Vitis coignetiae: another time.

The one I always seem to have to wait absolute ages for and which always flowers after we’ve closed the garden, is Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’.

It’s fresh, a beautiful vibrant yellow, and shoots into life rather like, umm, a firework.(ish). I have it in several places, livening up borders which are begining to go over.

But the thing I wait and wait for, going every day in late September to see if it has begun to happen, is the mass of it in the Cornfield Garden. (I’ll tell you why it’s called the Cornfield Garden another time). I’ve combined it there with Althea cannabina,

which seems to me really a most unlikely combination of colours: pink with egg yolk yellow. Strangely, I think it looks great. I’m not sure Charles does. And there are no visitors at this time of year to tell me yes or no. I may be wrong. Probably.
I think one of the things I love is the way they arch over the path:

Though I have to admit that I think that it may have looked better an earlier year (ah – what memory does!) – when the rain eventually arrived this year it rather flattened them, and made sure you got soaked, especially after the solidago was fully out:

and stretching over the railings.
I still love these two flowers together though. Maybe proving (rightly) that I know nothing of colour in gardens and understand even less.

Well, does he really know any better?…..

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