In January some men arrived and in less than a day demolished our conservatory and put it in a skip.  It had been rotting and leaking, so it wasn’t totally dreadful to see it go, but the result looked like this.

Suddenly part of the house was outside, in the frost.


and it all looked very depresssing….

And the next few months were all build.

When it finally arrived though, we were delighted, and still are. No leaks!

Conservatory at Veddw


But what to replace the old aluminium staging with, now we were so civilised? 

We built this:

Conservatory at Veddw

Threaded rods and hunky nuts, and some kind of builders netting (for plastering on to)


Plant shelving at Veddw copyright Anne Wareham

Yes, it’s him again….

Like this:

Conservatory shelving Veddw, copyright Anne Wareham

I know you can’t have a new conservatory without a new mortgage. But the shelving was very affordable. And didn’t need endless drilling and putting shelving brackets up. (just two, for security) 

We like it so much that we did one outside too.

Shelving outside Veddw copyright Anne Wareham

And, yes – that door needs repainting…..

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