It was my great friend Sue who really turned me on to playing with plants. That and a new conservatory.

One day I will do a post on Sue’s playground, but here I’ll start with our conservatory.

Conservatory plants, Veddw, copyright Anne Wareham

The previous conservatory, besides being cold and leaky, was more of a greenhouse than a room. But it rapidly became clear that the new, bigger and properly double glazed version was more of a dining room come sitting room with extra plants. So how to bring the plants in?

After much thought and web browsing I decided we’d make shelves on the large black wall at the end. We went off to the local Builder’s Merchant and ordered some scaffolding boards, and the internet provided us with some threaded rods and nuts.

Making shelves in the Conservatory at Veddw. 2 Copyright Anne Wareham

We drilled holes in the planks and then fed them over the top of the rods.

Then kept at it until –

New shelves!

Conservatory Shelves, Veddw, copyright Anne Wareham.

Next job was filling them. Which meant bringing the succulents back out of the greenhouse…

People love the droopy ones. Hmmm

Making new shelving in conservatory at Veddw 7 Copyright Anne Wareham 20170408_145904_HDR

And this inspired us to do the same outside.

Shelving at Veddw Copyright Anne Wareham 20170428_133333

I wasn’t ONLY taking pictures….(but thanks, Charles, you were great.)

These chrysanthemums went over rather too quickly, (though after a summer in the nursery they re-flowered and gave us a great autumn addition to the conservatory – my big garden surprise this year).

Chrysanthemums on plant shelving, Veddw copyright Anne Wareham

So the search was on for something that would do the summer. And these little darlings were perfect. Flowered and grew all summer.

Calibrachoa ‘Callie Purple

They were great. Though I had to water every day because the shelves keep them dry. I’ve since drilled holes in the shelves – and rain still doesn’t seem to come through.

Plant shelves at Veddw, Copyright Charles Hawes


Indoors, when autumn gloom began to make me want a little colour with the grey succulents. I puzzled for a while about what would do it. Flowers won’t go all winter very happily. Then thought of the wonderful chalk paint.

I had some rusty plant holders

It works!

Chalk paint on pots, Veddw, copyright Charles Hawes

It’s a bit addictive that stuff…..

I haven’t stopped with the chalk paint yet…… !

Windowsill, Veddw copyright Anne Wareham

Hyacinths at Veddw, copyright Anne Wareham

Hard to know when to stop……

Maybe I should add – there was no advertising involved in any of this piece. Just saying…

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