I was daft enough to think about how to make a reflecting pool reflect after we had one built.

Generally people might consider that first. So for a long time I was in difficulties with my new unreflecting pool. You might think that a black liner might be quite enough to give a reflection, but it’s not – light picks up all the folds in the liner and shows all the random bits of debris which have found their way in.

I tried a variety of things, including errr…umm.. wood stain, which at the time was mostly only available in imitation wood colours (why do people want to stain wood in imitation wood colours?) so even getting black stain was a pain. Then, at last I came across a truly black reflecting pool, managed to contact the garden designer and found the Source of Black Pool Dye!

Reflecting Pool with Dyofix, Veddw. Copyright Charles Hawes

I have never looked back. Dyofix is the answer. I am totally happy to recommend it to anyone wanting to forget about their pond’s imitation of great grey-green, greasy Limpopo River for ever. (this is not a sponsored post, by the way, just a happy expression of my goodwill and appreciation for the product). And the reflections are an ever-changing joy.

Reflection in Reflecting Pool Veddw copyright Anne Wareham


reflections, Veddw Copyright Anne Wareham

It is true too that Dyofix keeps the pool algae free. That doesn’t mean there are no problems though – we get tree seeds in early summer and autumn leaves in – autumn. And if pigeons bathe in it we get a horrible greasy scum on the surface. But the pool is only six inches deep, so at worst it can be drained and refilled.

Otherwise an algae net and a spray with a waft waft garden sprayer will clean the surface and two, or at the most three, separate doses of one of the little pouches of Dyofix keep the pool magically black all season. I love it when it’s faded a little and I add a refresher dose. Gradually a darker inky black spreads across the pool, reviving and restoring the drama all over again.

Reflecting Pool, Veddw, copyright Charles Hawes portrait.jpg

Once you’ve got black water the sight of the usual sludgey green of most pools and ponds becomes anathema. What’s more, you’ll find yourself adding black to every bit of water you have – in our case, the bird bath. The birds seem quite happy to drink it and bathe in it and I love the sight of it. Wonderful stuff.


Bird Bath at Veddw. Copyright Anne Wareham

Reflections in Bird Bath, Veddw. copyright Anne Wareham

and birds are not the only ones enjoying black water….

Frog. Veddw Copyright Anne Wareham

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