We just bought a new seat .

 Early June, Veddw, Copyright Anne Wareham

Assembly begins

And put it together. (both of us – would have been impossible alone – but I took the picture so you can’t see me slaving away.)

We’ve always wanted a seat in the meadow, but there never seemed to be the right place. Then some cotoneasters died and left a space behind, which we intend to fill with laurel clipped low as at Rousham. We thought of building one, as we have elsewhere,

Seat at Veddw Copyright Charles Hawes

but sudden impulse took us to a teak ready made (ish). Enables us to experiment and see if we like it.

 Early June, Veddw, Copyright Anne Wareham

Seat arrives in situ. See dead cotoneasters behind. I kept the trunks for their weird sculpture.

So – we brought it down. (both of us) And sat on it.

Early June, Veddw, Copyright Anne Wareham



And admired the view. And thought…

Veddw, Copyright Anne Wareham

Taken in bright sunlight. Sorry.

We thought

– it’s a bit domestic and maybe even suburban for an otherwise rather natural feeling place. Hmmm.

Seat view of Early June, Veddw, Copyright Anne Wareham 072

But – it is an amazing effect to actually be able to sit and look at the meadow. I never knew or anticipated this. But the experience is quite different from walking through it – and it’s a delight. Being able to relax and just look…


Early June, Veddw, Copyright Anne Wareham

So. Now what? Well, the seat will tone down. It’s teak, so it should go a subtle grey. That will be better. The laurel will grow up and surround it. That will also be better. It’ll snuggle it in more. So, we’ll see how we feel.

Meanwhile, drinks here tonight in the sunshine.. (YEY!)

What do you think? Is it a keeper?

O, and Charles also replaced The Head, after a little refurbishment:

The Head Early June Copyright Anne Wareham

Mended head…

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