In 2012 Rory Stuart published ‘What Are Gardens For?’ and in it he offered a critique of Veddw. Amongst other things (get the book..) he said: ‘The avenue in the meadow should lead somewhere, perhaps through a gate or an arch into the shade of the Cotoneaster Walk’.

Meadow, Veddw. 1 with Turkish hazel late season

Going Nowhere.

I agreed, and he wasn’t the only person to have mentioned it. But I couldn’t see how to resolve the problem. There was a great tree there and no obvious way through. We thought, discussed, consulted and contemplated.

Then Noel Kingsbury visited and I asked him for ideas and he suggested a way through. (Literally) And somehow my mind added the birdbath that we had, somewhat oddly, spare. (The full story here.) And a possible solution emerged. And Jeff started building.

Semi Circle at Veddw, copyright Anne Wareham Cement mixer SAM_9719

Semi Circle at Veddw, copyright Anne Wareham Jeff doing bottom meadow build SAM_9718

The Build. And builder.


Semi Circle at Veddw Copyright Anne Wareham SAM_9983

And – a way through!


Semi Circle at Veddw Copyright Anne Wareham SAM_9986

Poldark outdone?!


Semi Circle at Veddw Copyright Anne Wareham SAM_9991

That is not a little grenade. It’s Billy’s toy.


Semi Circle at Veddw, copyright Anne Wareham SAM_0146

Bird bath arrives. That takes two.


Semi Circle at Veddw, copyright Anne Wareham SAM_0147



Semi Circle at Veddw, copyright Anne Wareham SAM_0155

Creator and Assistant – job done!


Semi Circle at Veddw Copyright Anne Wareham SAM_0164

And then, of course, being me, I painted it black.

So, I am hoping that that satisfies. Got to live with it to be sure. And hear what other people think.

Rory’s book not only critiqued Veddw (and I know you’d love to read that) but also The Old Vicarage, East Ruston, Norfolk and The Alnwick Garden.  And is altogether a good read.

As is (of course) Outwitting Squirrels, out NOW!

Many thanks to Jeff, Billy, Rory, Noel and everyone else who pointed out that we needed to do something here. You were right. I hope the solution satisfies?

Meadow Veddw Copyright Anne Wareham SAM_0168

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