Well, you get asked to write a book, you write it, it gets published and the next thing is – you have a book launch, right? So we did. We launched ‘Outwitting Squirrels’  on the river Wye at Symmonds Yat.

We had to begin by making a boat to launch it in – this was Charles’ job, complicated by a need for ecological soundness plus floatability. And the need for a squirrel to accompany the boat.  The publishers, Michael O’Mara, kindly obliged with the squirrel and Charles built. We tested:

Outwitting Squirrel Boat SAM_0185

It floats!

The squirrel seemed happy

Book Launch Outwitting Squirrels Copyright Anne Wareham SAM_0186

Hello.. nice weather for squirrels..

and chatty….

So we invited some good friends and set off to Launch!

Anne at Book Launch Outwitting Squirrels Copyright Charles Hawes_MG_9980

A devoted squirrel about to be Outwitted

With friends and some fizz….

Book Launch Outwitting Squirrels Copyright Charles Hawes_MG_9984

You wot?

Friends were a little bewildered? Then cheered up:

Book Launch, Outwitting Squirrels Copyright Charles Hawes_MG_9986

Yey! (it was the quick slurp that did it…)

So – to the water…..

Book Launch Outwitting Squirrels Copyright Charles Hawes_MG_9999


Squirrel was beginning to feel a little unsure about all this….

Book Launch Outwitting Squirrels Copyright Charles Hawes_MG_0005


And said ‘do I have to?’

Book Launch Outwitting Squirrels Copyright Charles Hawes_MG_0008


Yes, we said…

Book Launch Outwitting Squirrels Copyright Charles Hawes_MG_0015


And we want some pictures too…

The Launch Copyright Bridget Rosewell 2015-04-24 19.10.55 HDR s

Professional at work

Noooo, said squirrel and made off for the ferry…

Book Launch Outwitting Squirrels MG_0017


No you don’t, thinks Charles, and grabs a broom…

Book Launch Copyright Anne Wareham SAM_0285

The Launch Outwitting Squirrels Copyright Bridget Rosewell 2015-04-24 19.15.33 s

go on…..

And OFF!

Book Launch Copyright Charles Hawes_MG_0029to Charles’ delight

Book Launch Outwitting Squirrels Copyright Anne Wareham SAM_0290

We were all hoping for a picture of Charles falling in the water…

Bye bye, book, boat and squirrel!

Book Launch Outwitting Squirrels Copyright Charles Hawes_MG_0031

Byeeeeee !

Free entrance to the Veddw garden to anyone who returns the book and squirrel.

So we all went off to eat and drink and celebrate my birthday as well…then Big Surprise! Squirrel reappeared, now safely caged!

The Launch Copyright Bridget Rosewell 2015-04-24 21.46.18 s

Book Launch Outwitting Squirrels Copyright Anne Wareham SAM_0308

That is a cage with a successfully outwitted squirrel in it and triumphant squirrel outwitter…

Book Launch Outwitting Squirrels Copyright Anne Wareham SAM_0340

This squirrel is not as pretty as the other one…

I ate a bit of his cage and let this squirrel out. But the boated one and the book were well and truly launched and vanished into the night…..

Gone _MG_0028 s Hurray!

Outwitting Cover s

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