Last week I consulted Facebook friends about a design problem, (thank you, everyone – that was truly helpful) and one thing that emerged and intrigued me was a particular reaction to a feature of the garden we’re currently making.

It looks like this –

New Cornfield Garden Veddw. copyright Anne Wareham

New Cornfield Garden (the name is a long story ..)

New Cornfield Garden, Veddw, copyright Anne Wareham

Water feature is GOING. Bloke is STAYING. (I hope)


We will be filling (yes, well, over two or three years – this is not Chelsea Instant) the beds with flowers. A bit like this at my great friend Sue’s garden (0pen for NGS)


Sue and John's Picket Fence Garden Hill House, Pontypool, Gwent, copyright Anne Wareham


Only different – we have railings, they have picket fence. I’m planning to have flowers only to the railing level, Sue and John’s are way above in summer, as you see. (Looks great!)

But some people didn’t like the railings. And that was not the first time.


Front Garden with euphorbia at Veddw_copyright Anne Wareham


There had also been mutterings about these railings before now. It seems some people must be very happy that they tend to disappear in summer.


Front Garden, bird bath Veddw copyright Anne Wareham_


Containing is something we do. We like the contrast between the clear lines and the froth. And I don’t stake plants, which is fine except at the edges of paths, where they tend to droop over and make navigating the paths challenging in summer, especially in the rain. So railings are useful – and look good in winter too.

This is how the Cornfield Garden used to look.


Cornfield Garden Late July Veddw copyright Anne Wareham


Before you ask – it is getting remade because the box blight was so bad here, no doubt because there is too little air flow, and because the grasses would look beautiful until the first cloudburst in summer. And there always was one. Then the flower stems of the grasses would break and lie around all over the place. Shame.

Anyway – this is all in the interest of satisfying my curiosity. What is the problem with railings, my good friends?? Please tell me.


Front Garden Veddw copyright Anne Wareham

Changing the Bird Bath was last spring’s project 

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