North Garden – Front Garden
There are two main seasons in the Front Garden, which sits right outside our front door. (though some people insist on calling it the back door.) The first is in May/June, when the Euphorbia Fireglow (or is it Dixter?) blazes away surrounded by the contrasting purple leaved Lysimachia Firecracker (which has such boring yellow flowers that I wish it wouldn’t bother flowering.)
The summer has the Euphorbia still performing, fading to a pale apricot. (see top picture) In autumn the same plant still looks wonderful as the leaves go orange and yellow. The one I have spreads (oh, which is it? I’d like it spreading in the beds at the back too..) so it’s not the popular plant it could be. Crocosmia Lucifer takes over the staring role, with white rosebay willowherb (Chamerion angustifolium ‘Album’) providing the contrast.
The colour in the flowering season is bright: reds, yellows, white, orange. (though I don’t call it a ‘hot’ garden as the term for some reason irritates me) (it’s become a cliché.)
Here’s anothe Euphorbia (euphoria?) pic just for pleasure….
Come and see!