
Monty Don started it apparently, suggesting everyone hunts around, under and in their pots and seed trays to find slugs. Yuk. And then, presumably, squish them..I didn’t see it. The thrills I miss. But I didn’t miss an article online telling us the slug is back. That despite the prolonged cold winter they are full of vim and vigour and prowling our plots once again.

Well, it is true that Veddw has not dried out for about 10 months now, so you would expect slugs to be in slimy slug heaven. But if they are, they must be feeling too lazy to get up, because I have, so far seen no sign.

And no – I haven’t gone searching under flower pots and crawling round the greenhouse looking. I have added a few judicious anticipatory slug pellets but seen no evidence of slugs lunching on them.

The first sign of slugs here is usually when I find, too late, that Ligularia dentata ‘Othello’ is full of holes. Which start small then grow and grow and grow until HUGE and disfiguring. The wonderful purple leaves get ruined. However – this year – one little hole in all the several plants. (see above)

I guess we’re just lucky, hey? Well, this year at least. Or the ‘slugs are back’ piece was (I have no doubt) filed a long time ago, in expectation..

I wonder why slugs like Ligularia and not this — ?

April 2103 Rheum palmatum 'Atropurpureum' at Veddw copyright Anne Wareham

Rheum palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’

A wonderful plant, quite apart from slug free. See that red bit on the left? That is going to grow up and look totally, embarrassingly, unmissably obscene in a few days. Oooo.

XXX Anne

If you subscribe (see subscription thingy in right hand column) I may show you it when it has..erm.. grown a bit.


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